Hi, I’m Marie-christine.

A French canadien who moved to Montreal from Quebec City and always was someone who dreamed big! I am the owner of a wonderful beauty salon Salon Mabella that screams comfort, positive vibe and is all about the importance of self love, natural & clean beauty products/ treatments.🌿 I took a serious look at the beauty industry a few years ago when I started having serious health issues. I then was told that our skin is the biggest organ on our body and that not only what we put inside our body (food) can affect our health but also what we put on it like the cosmetics we use everyday (soaps, shampoo, makeup, lotion etc). No need to tell you how horrified I have been at everything I’ve learned and I made it a mission of mine to educate as many people as I can on what this multi billion dollar industry is all about and how we can make our choices based on truthful informations.

about us.


Self care is important and it affects our mental, physical, and emotional well-being just like overall health and wellness. At Mabella we are dedicated to helping heal, teach, and empower every Bella that comes through the door.